Solutions today for reefs tomorrow
Field operations provide a critical link in disease diagnostics. Consistent and efficient sampling and data collection are crucial to effective laboratory analyses and ultimately to the diagnosis of a disease. This page hosts training videos of field collection techniques for coral disease investigations.
For more methods, techniques, and protocols for field activities, visit the Field Research Protocol page here. We invite contributions from researchers to expand this collection of coral protocols. Submissions will undergo review prior to inclusion. Please download a template to organize your protocol. Once you have prepared your protocol it may be submitted to the CDHC at by entering New Protocol in the subject line and attaching the protocol in Word and pdf formats.
Coral Disease Outbreak Investigation Field Activity Videos: Collection Techniques for Coral Disease Outbreak Investigations
Coral Disease Outbreak Investigation Field Activity Videos: On-Board Sample Processing and Stabilization
Coral Disease Outbreak Investigation Field Activity Videos: In-water Coral Sampling
Coral Disease Outbreak Investigation Field Activity Videos: Field Laboratory Sample Processing
Coral Reef Sediment Collection Methods For Toxicology
The CDHC is a network of scientists, managers, and agency representatives devoted to understanding coral health and disease.
Funding support provided by NOAA CRCP
Web hosting by NOAA NCCOS
Coral Disease and Health Consortium
Hollings Marine Laboratory
331 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, SC 29412 USA